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It’s not you, it’s me

I had worked in Bengaluru five years ago and fallen in love with the city. I was 28 years old at that time. I had a well-paid job, I had fun loving friends and a few steady girlfriends. My favourite girlfriends were Rupa and Malini.

Malini was a good-looking girl. Hmmm…she was okay at that time. She is a Tamil girl. Surprisingly, she had fair skin colour. She was about 5’5″ tall and she had a good pear shape figure.

Rupa was a good-looking Gujrati girl. She is fair and 5′ 3″ tall. She had an hour glass figure. She has a round face and a pleasant personality. She was cute.

Rupa and Malini didn’t know each other and I was having fun with both of them. Both liked me equally and I liked them. But Malini could only speak in English with me and I wasn’t sure about having a long-term relationship with a Tamil girl. But I got along much better with Rupa because she could speak Hindi and I loved Gujrati girls. So eventually, I dumped Malini. And two years later, I got married to Rupa.

Rupa and I settled in Mumbai. We have one kid. Rupa is still good-looking even though she lost her figure after delivering one child. I accepted her weight gain as it was not uncommon for women to gain weight after delivery.

Three years after moving to Mumbai, I had almost forgotten about Bengaluru. I had not got an opportunity to visit Bengaluru. But one day, my business partner requested me to visit Bengaluru to meet a few potential clients. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity, so I agreed to visit Bengaluru.

I still liked the city when I visited after a long time. It had become more modern and crowded but the vibe was still there. I went to the restaurants and pubs where I used to go with my friends. Most of my friends had left the city so I was on my own. On the third day of my visit, I was drinking alone in a Pub. It was about 9:30 pm. I saw two women entering the Pub. One of them caught my eyes. She was wearing a white, buttoned shirt and a Khaki colour, figure-hugging, knee length skirt. She was tall and very attractive. I didn’t look at her face properly to avoid giving her attention like the other guys in the pub were giving her attention.

The women sat down at a table that was on the left side from where I was sitting. I could see the hot woman from where I was sitting. I saw her face. My heart skipped a beat. She was very pretty. She had an oval shaped face and wide cheekbones. Her forehead and jawline were slightly smaller than the cheekbones. She had big eyes, a perfect small nose, full lips and small chin. She had middle parting, straight hair that framed around her face.

‘She is perfect,’ I thought and told myself, ‘I have seen so many girls like her. It doesn’t matter anymore.’ That’s when I realized she looked familiar. And then it hit me. She was Malini – my Tamil ex-girlfriend who I had dumped years ago.

‘Damn!’ I thought to myself. I took my beer mug and chugged down more beer, feeling disappointed with myself.

I kept the mug on the table and looked at her. She was looking at me with her eyes wide open. Not knowing how to react, I looked away. From the corner of my eyes, I could see her standing up. I thought she might be going to the bathroom and avoided looking at her. I took my mug and gulped more beer. I felt someone standing next to my table. I looked at the up. I was surprised to see Malini. She was smiling. I stopped drinking and kept the mug on the table. I looked up at her again.

“Hi! Remember me?” She asked.

“Hmm…” I pretended like I didn’t remember.

“Same old Abhishek. I’m not surprised,” she said and frowned.

“You look familiar…hmm…” I said, pretending to refresh my memory.

“Does the name Malani ring a bell?” she asked and lifted her eyebrows.

“Malini? Malini Krishnan? Wow! It’s been so long,” I said pretending as if I had remembered just then, but I showed my genuine excitement.

“I am so glad you remember my second name,” she said, mocking me.

“It’s been so long. Are you with someone? Can I join you?” I asked.

“Of course, you can join us. I am with Priya. Remember her at least?” she asked.

“Priya? hmm…your best friend?” I asked remembering her.

“Yes. Join us. Priya will be happy to meet you,” she said and smiled.

“Okay,” I said and waved at the waiter.

The waiter came to my table. I told him I want to join the ladies. The waiter moved my bottles and dishes.

I went to their table with Malini. Priya and Malini were happy to meet me after a long time. As we talked, we updated each other about our lives. Priya told me she was married and she had two children. Malini told me she had married one year ago and she didn’t have children. We had a good time catching up and cracking jokes. We got drunk, so we shared phone numbers and left the Pub.

The ladies left in a taxi and I took a taxi to the hotel. That night I regretted not marrying Malini. Rupa was good looking but Malini had become hotter. She had become stylish, sophisticated, voluptuous and sexy.

The next day, I woke up with a hangover and still regretted not marrying Malini. That afternoon I called her and apologized for dumping her. She told me it was okay and she had moved on. I asked her if we could meet me for lunch one last time before I returned to Mumbai. She agreed to meet me. We decided to meet in the restaurant that was part of the hotel I was staying in.

I couldn’t wait to meet her. Time passed very slowly and, in the evening, I got drunk and went to bed. Next morning I woke up late at 10:30am. I had a shower, got ready and went to the restaurant. I ate finger food while I waited for her.

Half an hour later I saw her through the window. She looked very beautiful. She was wearing a V-neck, short sleeve white cotton tops and a light blue denim midi skirt. Her wide hips swayed as she walked gracefully and her breasts bounced seductively. I wished I had married her.

I went to the entrance of the restaurant and met her. I greeted her and we went to the table I had reserved.

As we ate, I apologised again for dumping her. I told her she looked very beautiful and I really regretted not marrying her. She told me she too wished she had married me but we had to move on because we both were married. She was very understanding so I felt better after talking to her.

After we had lunch, I asked her to come with me to my room and relax for a while. She agreed.

We went to my hotel room. She looked around the room. She opened the sliding, glass balcony door and stepped out onto the balcony. She stood there looking at the view of the city. I stood behind her and admired the beautiful shape of her slim waist, wide hips and plump buttocks.

“It’s beautiful!” she said.

I put my arms around her waist and said, “You are more beautiful.”

She laughed and touched my forearms which were on her belly. “Thanks, Abhi,” she said.

I pressed my crotch on her soft bottom letting her feel the bulge in my pants. “I miss making love to you,” I said and kissed the side of her cheeks.

She chuckled and turned around. She looked into my eyes and smiled. I slid my hands under her top and held her bare waist. I gently squeezed the soft flesh on the sides of her waist. I moved closer to her and kissed her lips. I parted her lips with my tongue and put my tongue inside her mouth. I french kissed her. I moved my hands behind her and grabbed her plump ass cheeks through her clothes. I lifted her bottom, pulled her closer to me and continued to kiss her passionately.

After some time, I broke the kiss and said, “Let’s go inside.”

She hesitated but she said, “Ok.”

We went back to the room. I lifted her top and looked at her. She gave me a naughty smile and asked, “Just like old times, huh?”

“Yep,” I said.

She lifted her hands and I removed her tops. Her big breasts looked beautiful, partly covered in a white lace bra. I unhooked her bra and removed it. I rubbed my face on her soft boobs. It felt very comforting. I sucked her sweet nipples one after the other.

I put my hands under her skirt. I pulled her panties down, grabbed her plump soft ass-cheeks and squeezed them. I spread them apart and ran my finger on her ass crack. I felt her anus on my fingers and rubbed the tiny ring of flesh.

She removed her skirt and let it drop down on the floor.

I looked down at her vagina. Her pubic hair was trimmed short and juice glistened in the slit of her vagina. She was ready for me.

I stood up straight and quickly removed my clothes. She got on top of the bed and lay down on her back, completely naked.

My cock felt hard as a rock. I stroked it and got on top of the bed. I turned around and knelt down on the bed with my back facing her, straddling on top of her. We were in a 69 position just like old times. I felt my cock slide inside her warm and wet mouth. I bent down and kissed her pussy lips. I slowly worked on her pussy; licking, sucking and fingering her pussy. We sucked each other passionately.

After a nice long 69, I got up and turned around to face her. I lay above her supporting my upper body with my hands. I lowered myself down, pointing my cock at her pussy. I adjusted my hip and felt the tip of my cockhead in the slit of her vagina. I pushed and my cock slowly slid inside her vagina. It felt warm, wet, tight and comforting.

“Oh Abhi! I missed you so much,” she whispered.

I pushed my cock fully inside her and said, “Me too. I should have never left you.”

“Hmmm….” she said.

I slowly pulled my cock outward, until only the cockhead was inside her vagina. Then I pushed it back inside her.

“Oh Abhi…” she moaned.

I squeezed her breasts, kissed her lips and pounded her pussy. I forgot every thought that was bothering me and made love to the beautiful woman I had missed for too long. I fucked her with love, pounding her love hole with my hard cock. She welcomed every thrust of my cock inside her with moans of pleasure. I fucked her harder and faster, getting more pleasure with every stroke. And I tried my best to give her more pleasure in return. We orgasmed together in harmony till we climaxed. I shot my cum inside her, hoping to make her pregnant. And as if she read my mind, she asked, “Are you trying to make me pregnant?”

“Yes,” I said and laughed, shooting more semen inside her already overflowing pussy.

She just smiled. I kissed her lips and lay on top of her. My cock returned to its usual state and popped out of her pussy. I rolled over and lay down next to her.

“I feel like I had sex after a long time,” I said, remembering the boring sex I had with Rupa before two months.

“You just feel like that because you had sex with me after a long time,” she said and laughed.

“Oh no! I am sure I feel like that because you are hot,” I said. I turned to my right side and put an arm on her belly.

She smiled and said, “I also liked it. It was good after a long time.”

Before I could reply she started to get up. She got down from the bed and said, “I need coffee. Do you want coffee or tea?” she asked.

“Coffee with less sugar, please,” I said.

I got down from the bed. I turned the TV on and sat on the sofa.

She came with two cups and gave me one cup. She sat down next to me. We watched the news on TV and sipped hot coffee. We were completely naked but we felt very comfortable with each other even though we had not met for a long time. As we drank coffee, I kissed her, sucked her breasts and fingered her inner-thighs, pussy and anus. By the time we finished drinking coffee we were ready to have sex again.

I told her to kneel down on the sofa and lean forward. She knelt down on the sofa and spread her legs. Her plump, wide bottom looked very beautiful. Seeing her in that position made me more desperate to fuck her again. I stood behind her, pointed the tip of my cock in the slit of her vagina and pushed it inside, penetrating her cunt with one quick thrust. I held her slim waist and pumped my cock in and out of her juicy, tight pussy. I banged on her plump bottom every time I thrust my cock inside her pussy, causing her bottom and breasts to shake uncontrollably on impact. I leaned forward on her back, grabbed her breasts for grip and fucked harder and faster, pounding her juicy cunt, desperate to release cum inside her womb. And a few minutes later my balls felt heavy and my cock felt swollen inside her clutching pussy. Hot cum made its way through my cock and exploded hot cum inside her convulsing cunt. I filled her up with my cum before pulling my cock out of her drooling cunt.

She got down from the sofa and said, “I need a shower.”

“I’ll join you,” I said checking out her swollen boobs.

She laughed shyly and asked, “Still not satisfied?”

“You are so hot. I can’t get enough of you,” I said and smiled.

She smiled shyly and asked, “If I am so hot, why did you dump me?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Is your wife hotter than me?” she asked.

I shook my head. “She could speak Hindi and Punjabi. I thought she could get along better with my family.”

“Hmm… Okay,” she said and shrugged her shoulders. “So, you dumped me because you thought I was not good enough for your family.” She looked at me as if she wanted confirmation.

“Malini, it’s not you, it’s me. I was not bold enough to introduce you to my family because you are a south Indian. I am sorry,” I said, feeling deep remorse.

“Anyway. I hope you are happy with your wife,” she said and started walking to the bathroom.

I stood there wondering if I had upset her.

She opened the bathroom door and turned around. She looked at me and asked. “Don’t want to have a shower?”

I smiled with relief. She smiled and entered the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and closed the door.

Malini stood under the shower wetting her hair and body. I joined her and took her in my arms. Her big boobs squashed on my chest. I kissed her lips and she kissed me. Water showered down on us as we kissed. My hands moved all over her body feeling her smooth skin and soft flesh.

I turned off the shower. I took soap in my hands and rubbed over her boobs. Her nipples were swollen and hard. I pinched her nipples and pulled them playfully. “Ouch,” she said in pain. I took her in my arms and kissed her lips. I moved my soapy hands down on her buttocks. I soaped her buttocks and ass crack while kissing her.

Eager to fuck her again I stopped kissing her and started soaping her body. I put soap on her neck, shoulders, hands, breasts, waist, hips, thighs, cunt, back, buttock and inside her asshole.

I turned her around and made her lean forward on the wall. I spread her ass cheeks and pressed the tip of my cock on her anus. Her anus opened and my cockhead slid inside. I pushed inside slowly. She jerked forward with discomfort. I held her waist and pulled her back as I thrust my cock fully inside her asshole.

“Ahh….Ammaaaa..,” she moaned clutching my cock with her anal muscles.

I fucked her, pumping my cock in and out of her clutching, warm asshole. I grabbed her boobs and squeezed them as I fucked her. She moaned with pleasure and pain. I fucked her harder till I ejaculated heavily inside her asshole.

My cock popped out of her asshole. She turned around breathing heavily. I turned on the shower and took her in my arms. We showered together till we were satisfied.

After the shower, Malini told me she had to go to a friend’s party. She got ready quickly. Before she left, we kissed and she told me she was not sure when we could meet but she would try her best to meet me again before I returned to Mumbai.

Next day, I called her in the afternoon. She told me she won’t be able to meet me for the next two days because her husband is going abroad. I was worried that we may not be able to meet because I too had to go to Mumbai after two days.

The next day, I called her in the morning. She told me she could meet me that afternoon for a very short time because her husband had decided to have lunch with his friend.

That afternoon, I waited in the same restaurant that was part of the hotel where I was staying. I was looking outside the window and waiting for her. And when I saw her, I got an instant hardon. She was wearing a light blue Saree. She looked very beautiful in a Saree. Her wide hips swayed gracefully and her breasts jiggled. Her belly and navel could be seen through the Saree.

I went to the entrance and met her. She told me she can’t have lunch because she had to return home before her husband returned home. So, we went to my hotel room.

I hugged and kissed her trying to make the most of the opportunity but she reminded me she didn’t have too much time. So, we agreed to have sex doggy style and finish it fast.

She lifted her Saree and petticoat and stripped off her panties. She knelt down on the edge of the bed, holding her Saree above her hips. She leaned forward. I penetrated her vagina and fucked her, massaging her beautiful, big, soft, ass-cheeks. I fucked her passionately and ejaculated inside her with satisfaction.

After we were done, she went to the bathroom for a wash.

She came out and tidied her clothes and hair. She pecked a kiss on my lips and wished me a safe journey to Mumbai. We said goodbye and she left.

I called her after I reached Mumbai. She was happy to talk to me. I started calling her every day. After two months I was planning to visit Bengaluru but before I could visit, she called and gave me the bad news. She had got a partner visa to Australia one month ago and she was leaving on the same day. I was disappointed. I told her I could have met her in Bangaluru if she had told me earlier. She told me we didn’t have to meet because she had got the closure she had wanted from me after I had dumped her. She thanked me and told me she will always love me.

I have been in touch with her for two years since she left but I didn’t get a chance to meet her again. I feel like she dumped me.